Late Shri Vishwanath Alias Tatyasaheb Kore

Shri. V.A. alias Tatyasaheb Kore was the man behind this Children's Orchestra.

Birth Date – Dhantrayodashi – 17th  October, 1914
On 13th December, 1994 Tatyasaheb Kore Passed Away.

Late shri Tatyasaheb was a true believer of Gandhian Philosophy. A movement ‘Warana’ was started by this visionary; He said that ‘I have always dreamt of a stronger India, where every farmer is self sufficient financially sound, well educated and happy as he is backbone of the National Economy and in his well being lies the welfare of Nation’

Establishment of most efficient Co-operative Sugar Factory which achieved World record in sugar recovery and efficiency. Sugar unit has won National Awards for efficiency on number of occasions.
Sugar unit has promoted a large-scale Co-operative Dairy Project, Co-operative Poultry Farms, Co-operative Bank, Co-operative Consumer Stores, Co-operative Women's Societies, World famous Children's Orchestra, Educational activities right from Kindergarten to Engineering College, a number of other institutions. All these institutions are known as the best managed and efficient units in their respective field in the whole of the country.

Special focus was imposed on implementation of 20 POINT PROGRAMME which has helped significantly to improve the social and economic conditions of rural population below poverty line. Funds to the tune of Rs. 2 Crores have been utilized for achieving these social and economic activities.

Contribution To State Level
Maharashtra State Farming Corporation Limited - Director since inception (Government of Maharashtra Undertaking) for 15 years.
Maharashtra State Cooperative Sugar Factories - Director since inception Federation Limited, Bombay. Vice President - 1976-78 President - 1978-80
Deccan Sugar Technologists' Association, Pune - President - 1973-75
Evaluation (Kore) Committee for Secretaries Cadre - Chairman.
Premier Co-operative Printers Limited, Bombay - Promoter & Director.
State Level Accounts Committee for Co-operative - Ex-President and Director Societies, (Government of Maharashtra Estd.)
Vasantdada Sugar Institute, Pune. - Vice President since 1983.
Mafco Limited, Bombay - Ex-Director
The Maharashtra State Co-operative Bank Ltd. - Ex-Director.
Contribution To National Level Institutions
Indian Central Sugarcane Committee, Delhi - Ex-Member
General Insurance Corporation of India (Government of India Undertaking). - Director for 3 years. President - 1978-80
National Federation of Co-operative Sugar Factories Ltd., New Delhi. - Director for 3 years.
Vasantrao Naik Krishi Va Gram Vikas Prathisthan, Bombay.
First Award for Dairy Development work received at the auspicious hands of Hon'ble Shri. Balram Jakhar, the then Speaker of Loksabha.
National Federation of Co-operative Sugar Factories Limited, New Delhi
First Award for the best efficiency in the country in the year, 1988-89 received at the auspicious hands of the then Minister of Food & Civil Supplies, Hon'ble Shri. Sukharamji.
Government of India Food & Civil Supplies Department.
Award for minimum total losses and minimum steam consumption in the sugar factory in whole of the country at the auspicious hands of Hon'ble Minister of Food and Civil Supplies, Shri. Nathuramji Mirdha.
Yashwantrao Chavan Pratishthan
First Prize of Rs. 51,000/- for Socio-economic development in rural area at the auspicious hands of Honourable C. Subramaniyam, Governor of Maharashtra.
Fie Foundation Award
Received Fie Foundation Award of Rs.25,000/- for Socio-economic development work at the auspicious hands of Hon'ble Shri. Chandrashekhar, Ex-Prime Minister.
Rotary International Award
Rotary International District-3140 honoured Shri Tatyasaheb Kore with Award for his Yeomen task that he has undertaken in bringing hopes and raising the aspiration of the villagers in and around Warana. This award was presented to Shri. Tatyasaheb at the auspicious hands of Hon'ble Union Minister Shri. Madhavrao Sindhia on 1/2/1992 at Bombay.
In the tenure of Shri Tatyasaheb, Smt. Indira Gandhi, the then Prime Minister had deputed Warana Children's Orchestra to Sibenik (Yugoslavia) to participate in the International Children's Festival. The Orchestra won GOLD MEDAL in the competition.
The Government of Mauritius had invited Warana Children's Orchestra to Mauritius to participate in the celebration arranged for completion of 350 years of sugarcane cultivation in Mauritius. The Government of India arranged the programme through I.C.C.R. The Orchestra programme was very well received and the fact that, one place in the Mauritius has been named as WARANA in the honour of the Warana Children's Orchestra. This Orchestra had also visited South Africa and performed 24 programmes there.