Procurement Department Milk Collection Development

The farmers initially sell their surplus milk to the dairy and to special attention was given for special milk production by the farmers.  The 70% of the total milk comes   from buffalo class while 30% comes from the cow class. The breeds of the area are non descript so the milk production capacity was very low. Hence the Warana Dairy is working on breed developments understanding its own limitations. The large  scale training  camps are being organized at the women and farmers level to improve the feeding and management status. Along with these activities, channelizing of the milk to co-operatives from private vendors was also carried out by giving attractive prices, prizes and annual bonus in the milk supplied. Hence the milk collection has been increasing.  To maintain and enhance the quality of milk Warana Dairy established BMC units at different places

 Milk Procurement starts in 1970 which was only 4000 Ltrs/day. Very soon will cross 20.00 Crores Ltrs.

Our milk producer is mainly marginal farmer or landless labour.  He is not producing milk on commercial basis.  Milk business is not business for him. He is doing this as a side business only. 
Milk producer is the important or base of the milk business. Warana Coop Milk Union always put him in front while designing training and extension activities. With the purpose of development and expansion of milk business, union tries inventory program techniques and motivational subsidy offers.


Feeding is the most important part of the  dairy management’s. The good quality cattle   feed is supplied to the  farmers on one month credit. The  good quality cattle feed is supplied to the farmers on one month  credit. The cattle feed is manufacture in      Warana Cattle feed plant, which is run on no profit, no loss basis.     

Cattle feed supply :

Union is providing  cattle feed to the producers with best quality on no profit no loss basis. It is available in two types – mash in 65 kg bag and and pallet 60 kg bag.

Urja, E-sac powder and Mineral Mixture Supply :

To reduce the infertility, to improve the milk quality and health of the animal union providing mineral mixture by charging only Rs. 30/kg. For health and energy improvement Urja bypass fat and e-sac powder is also made available  on no loss no profit basis.

Green Fodder Development Program :

The main fodder available is sugar cane leaves and sugar cane tops. But fodder program has its own limitations, due to small land holding. So the farmers were given hints for intercropping in sugar cane. Lot of work has been done for successful green fodder development program. So presently the fodder seeds are supplied on 50% cost, to attract the farmers. Also the farmers are taken to the fields, where fodder plantation is done.

Warana Dairy  is offering 90% subsidy to promote this green fodder development on fodder seeds like Lucerne, and, Bar seem. About 50-55 MT seeds has been made available throughout the year. Other fodder crops like Napier, (CO3 variety), Guinea grass, Marvel, African tall maize, the seeds of these crops are also available.


Different subsidized items are made available for the milk producers and Primary Dairy Society. Like milking machine and chaff cutter , Travis, milco tester,  Emergency power system, Computer and Electronic Weighing Machine,  Society building construction scheme Etc.


Milk producer is the important or base of the milk business. Warana Coop Milk Union always put him in front while designing training and extension activities. With the purpose of development and expansion of milk business, union tries inventory program techniques and motivational subsidy offers.

To make dairy business  more profitable and to overcome the challenges like –  Low land holding have scarce of good quality fodder , Improper use of fodder, Unawareness about balanced ration,  Unawareness about TMR, Limitations on dry matter intake, Maximum source of nutrition from crop residues, Low milk yield, Low quality fat & SNF, High inter-calving period, Age at first calving, High calf mortality, Low conception rate ,  high milk production cost, Management is very important - Management regarding fodder, veterinary aids, breeding and rearing. 

Literacy rate in the milk producers especially in the female population is very low therefore  training is significant aspect. Training for - Farmers (Selected Producers),  Women, Farm  owners and Staff of primary coop societies. About 150000 producers are linked through about 3000 primary coop societies from almost 2096 villages.

At milk producer level especially for women and youth generation different educational programs are being organized time to time.  At primary society level training   for society’s employees, committee members are also organized.